#01 Large Format 101
Lensless and Classic Lenses come together for episode one of a much awaited (cough) new podcast all about – you’ve guessed it Large Format Photography. The premise is deceptively simple, Simon plays the role of eager puppy, keen to impress the leg of great Aunt Flo and Andrew plays the role of senile Uncle Bulgaria trying to answer questions and often failing miserably. In episode #1 Simon asks some general introduction questions around definitions of Large Format, how to use a LF camera, components (we didn’t finish that section as Simon diverted the conversation) of a view camera, types of – and an inadequate answer to question about lenses and coverage for different formats. We agreed to get knowledgeable guests on in Months to come who knew what they were talking about. So let’s see how this goes. https://largeformatphotographypodcast.podbean.com/ ko-fi.com/largeformatphotographypodcast You can join in the fun at our Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2296599290564807/ Get Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – https://twitter.com/warboyssnapper Or from Simon – https://twitter.com/simonfor Email feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast largeformatphotographypodcast@gmail.com Links and references arising from the discussions; Using the View Camera A creative guide to large format photography – Steve Simmons – ISBN 0-8174-6353-4 Sinar View Cameras – history and types https://camerapedia.fandom.com/wiki/Sinar Toyo 45a (Andrew’s Field Camera) http://www.toyoview.com/Products/45AII/45AII.html The Speed Graphic, Press Camera https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_Graphic Sunny 16 Podcast https://sunny16podcast.com/ Nick a Graham http://homemadecamera.com/ Em www.emulsive.com Podcast Hosts Social Media presence Simon Forster www.classiclensespodcast.com www.simonforsterphotographic.co.uk https://stores.ebay.co.uk/itsfozzyphotography https://www.flickr.com/photos/125323761@N07/ https://www.facebook.com/SimonForsterPhotographic/ https://www.instagram.com/simonforsterphotographic/ https://twitter.com/SimonFor Andrew Bartram https://anchor.fm/thelenslesspodcast https://andrewbartram.wordpress.com https://www.instagram.com/warboyssnapper https://www.imstagram.com/warboyssnapper_pinholes https://www.flickr.com/photos/warboyssnapper/ https://twitter.com/warboyssnapper Artwork by Simon Forster. A picture of a Meridian 45B