Going Above and Beyond in Luxury Real Estate with John Simmons

What C3 Stands For and John’s Marketing Vehicles:

C3 stands for Character, Culture, and Commitment, which are the three things John Simmons and his partner, Jesse Laner, focus on. What makes C3 different from other agencies — and one of the reasons why John is able to so effectively get his company’s message out in a competitive environment — is the trust that he and his partner have earned throughout the Northern Colorado area.

What to Keep Doing as a Real Estate Professional:

When John used to teach, he had what he called a “Wheel of Fortune” that he would incorporate into his lessons. Within the real estate industry, he uses it to identify how much time real estate professionals have and what their priorities are. John then creates an action plan according to the time these real estate professionals can allot for income-generating activities, and suggests this approach should be consistently implemented in order to maximize output.

“What are you handing out that’s of value to these buyers and sellers walking into your open houses?” John asks. In response, he teaches his team that, in order to stand out amongst potential clients, they need to always provide those potential clients with valuable content.

Topics Covered and Questions You’ll Uncover During this Episode:

  • How C3 puts heavy focus on their marketing to further differentiate themselves from other competing brokers
  • Why only taking professional photos should be an absolute must for any real estate professional looking to take their listings to the next level
  • Why having high standards for print and online marketing is so essential
  • Why maximizing social media accounts to connect with potential clients in both a personal and professional capacity is key
  • Understanding that some marketing pieces  — namely photography, seller guides, buyer guides, and features in luxury magazines — should not be skimped on to save costs
  • Why real estate professionals should always be open to communicating with their clients who already know, like, and trust them in order to continue nurturing the relationship

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