147: Creating Meaningful Marketing in the B2B World w/ Soon Yu
“It’s isn’t always the biggest, baddest, or fastest mouse trap that gets the mice.
It’s the one with the stinkiest cheese.”
And this translates directly to marketing.
So says Soon Yu, author of the new book, Iconic Advantage: Don't Chase the New, Innovate the Old.
Soon helps companies realize that they don’t have to be the fastest, biggest or have the best technology in order to be successful. But they do have to connect with their audience, and the best way to do that is through meaningful marketing.
If there is no emotional connection created with customers, they’re just competing on price. There aren’t many winners in that game.
In this episode of the #FlipMyFunnel Podcast, we chat with Soon about B2B storytelling, chasing the new versus innovating the old, and three qualities behind the most successfully innovative and iconic companies.