002: Art Business QaA: how to sell art at fairs and online
In this episode, Miriam answers questions from The Inspiration Place Facebook group. Helping Miriam out is her good friend and professional artist, Blenda Tyvoll. Her art has been included in the set designs of Amazons Just Add Magic and Girls Season 6. She is one of the top sellers on Etsy and illustrates stationary, children's books and designs home décor products. They discuss selling art at art fairs and festivals, how you close a sale and how to create mock-ups of your art in a room. The second part of the podcast is a wide-ranging conversation which includes Miriam's previous podcast with Ashley Longshore, Mr Rogers and what makes an introvert. In this podcast, you will discover... (02:11) Barbara asks ' I have been considering getting a booth at a local arts fair. How many paintings would one want to have on hand, not including prints or cards, to have for sale? (03:34) Advice on how to set up a booth at an art fair (04:42) Why greeting cards are worth having and how Blenda and Miriam package them (10:14) How Blenda and Miriam sell their prints (12:08) Anna asks 'How do you close a sale in a way that they will come back?' (12:52) How Blenda recently used postcards to attract people to her open studio (15:38) Tips on closing the deal (18:36) Coren asks 'What software or app can I use to make mock-ups of my wall art in a room, for web listings?' (19:29) Some suggestions for places you can upload your artwork to get a room view (20:24) The advantages of using Photoshop to put your art in a room (21:20) Where to source room views Blenda gives Miriam some feedback on her first podcast episode with Ashley Longshore (25:32) Miriam recommends Ashley's' book You Don't Look Fat, You Look Crazy (28:11) Why artists should buy art (29:39) Discussing the Mr Roger's documentary (30:59) Blenda and Miriam discuss the pivotal world events they remember from their childhoods (35:14) What does it mean to be an introvert? (40:28) Some more discussion on Miriam's conversation with Ashley Longshore (43:56) How sometimes artists can be an acquired taste (46:22) How Blenda has been working on a Skillshare class (48:33) Miriam talks about the calendar she has been working on See full show notes at schulmanart.com/2 ++++++++++++++++++++ ????FREE GOODIES!???? Don't forget to check out the Inspiration Place goodie bag. Go pick up your party favor over at SchulmanArt.com/freebies. Whether you're a passionista or a passion professional, I've got something just for you. ++++++++++++++++++++ ????NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! If you loved this, I've got more inspirational episodes coming your way! Please make sure you hit the subscribe or follow button in your podcast app. And if you're feeling extra generous- leave me a review-- ++++++++++++++++++++ We've now made it SO MUCH easier for you to leave a review-- just pop on over to https://ratethispodcast.com/inspire BTW If you pop your Instagram handle at the end of the review, I'll even give you a shout out over on my IG stories! ++++++++++++++++++++ I'd love to chat with you on Instagram: http://instagram.com/schulmanart