Episode #060 - Secret Sagas of the Multiverse #26: Justice Issue 5 (JLMAY 2017)

Welcome to the of Secret Sagas of the Multiverse a Pulp 2 Pixel Podcast! Secret Sagas of the Multiverse is a semi-regular comic book and pop-culture discussion show from the Pulp 2 Pixel Podcasts. I, Dr. G the Man of Nerdology, and my Rouges Gallery of co-hosts will examine a single geek culture topic in depth. We will discuss our personal histories with the topic and our general impressions and recommendations. We will cover topics as comics, movies, books, and TV. For this episode we are very honored to take part in an epic 12 episode maxi-series event crossing the podcast multiverse of 12 different podcasts! For this episode we are proud to bring you part 5 of the 12 part JLMay event. For JLMay 2017 we are covering the Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, and Doug Braithwaite 2005 series Justice from DC Comics. This series is Justice League vs Legion of Doom Challenge of the Superfriends for the 2000s. You can find the other episodes of this Challenge of the Super-Podcasts Crossover here at: Fire and Water Podcast The Super Mates Podcast The Idol-Head of Diabolu Views from the Longbox The Lantern Cast The Shazamcast Comic Reflections The Silver N Gold Podcast The Power of Fishnets Waiting for Doom Podcast Justice’s First Dawn: A Classic Justice League of America Podcast You can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes, where you can also leave a rating and review: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pulp-2-pixel-podcasts/id1019004523?mt=2 You can also find episodes on the Stitcher app as well: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=72145arefid=stpr You can also find episodes, articles, and art work about the podcast and leave comments or messages at: http://pulp2pixel.blogspot.com http://pulp2pixel.tumblr.com http://www.facebook.com/pulp2pixelpodcasts Contact us by email at: pulp2pixel@gmail.com

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