Mark Dubac: Windwood LLC
Welcome to a brand new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today, your host Steve Larosiliere sits down with Marc Dubac of Windwood LLC. Like many other Woodpreneurs, Marc got his start in woodworking during downtime from his primary career.
“I play in the Oregon symphony. That's my full-time job. During the summertime, we don't have work, so we only have work for nine months out of the year, basically. In the summertime, generally, my musician colleagues and I would travel around the country and play in different music festivals.
A lot of them are really good. And some pay really well, too. But I had young children at the time, and it was just kind of a pain to haul screaming children across the country for sometimes good pay, and sometimes not. So I kind of got into just doing handyman work for neighbors. I just wanted to be able to stay at home and work and through that process, I think I just got enamored with woodworking.”
Marc Dubac
Marc spent time listening to the Woodpreneur Podcast, as well as another major inspiration, the Wood Whisperer podcast, which caused him to fall in love with hardwoods. From there, he did a swan dive into woodworking and set up a home shop in his garage.