Episode 1: Photographer Jack Affleck
The man behind all of Vail Resorts' Photography, as well as national campaigns and editorial work across the country, Jack Affleck sits down to tell us about Denver in the 70s, his first Alto Sax Solos, and what becomes a very sought after career of working with the biggest Ski Company in the world. Check him out at www.jackaffleck.com Original Music by www.5thdimensioncaravan.com About Visual Revolutionary: www.visualrevolutionary.com BECAUSE WE ARE INTERESTED IN PEOPLE'S STORY, AND NOT WHAT TYPE OF GEAR THEY USE, WE INTRODUCE A NEW MUCH NEEDED PODCAST IN THE WORLD OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND CINEMATOGRAPHY. FEATURING IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS WITH SOME OF THE COUNTRY'S LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS, DIRECTORS, CINEMATOGRAPHERS, AND OTHER VISUAL REVOLUTIONARIES, WE ARE BRINGING YOU THE BACKSTORY ON HOW SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE ARTIST GOT TO WHERE THEY ARE TODAY.