025: P. Brendon Lundberg, Co-Founder of Radiant Pain Relief Centres
With a vision to build the safest, most consistently effective and non-invasive solution to the epidemic of chronic pain, Brendon Lundberg (a chronic pain survivor himself) co-founded Radiant Pain Relief Centres in Oregon. The centres use an FDA-approved and Mayo Clinic-tested treatment for chronic pain called Scrambler Therapy, which targets the brain’s response to pain in the body and aims to retrain its feedback loop by encouraging neuroplasticity. Brendon combines his mission to change the way chronic pain is treated with deep experience in healthcare management and business development; he and his co-founder, David B. Farley, M.D., released their book, Radiant Relief – A Case For A Better Solution To Chronic Pain in 2018. In this episode, Brendon sits down with Lauren to discuss the his work and the growth of Radiant Pain Relief Centres, as well as to share some beautiful stories of healing – and triumph over pain.
Listen in as Brendon shares…
- about the therapy, education, and experience that Radiant Pain Relief Centres deliver
- how chronic pain affects patients, and the joy of helping them heal
- that all pain is neurogenic, though experienced in the tissue – its origin is in the brain
- that most doctors are trained in outdated pain research from the 1960s, and newer technologies and research are much more comprehensive and offer hope for relief
- that many chronic pain patients are disbelieved or brushed off by medical practitioners
- the definition of chronic pain, and how chronic pain is a protective function of the brain that’s become maladaptive
- that Radiant Pain Relief Centres use an FDA-approved and tested treatment for chronic pain called Scrambler Therapy, which encourages neuroplasticity: attaching electrodes to the skin in proximity to the site of pain, and sending signals to the brain to rewire its understanding of pain at the site
- how neuroplasticity works: it dynamically re-trains the brain; and the brain learns through repetition
- that patients average an 84% reduction of pain using the technology at Radiant Pain Relief Centres, over the course of a few weeks of treatment
- how life-changing chronic pain relief can be
- his take on the opioid crisis
- why Radiant Pain Relief Centres shares a heart-centered mission for Brendon: because he is a survivor of chronic pain, which he has successfully treated using Scrambler Therapy
- the neuroscience of pain: how the brain triggers the nervous system and tissues in the body to experience pain
- the most prominent side effect of Scrambler Therapy: fatigue, because the brain is working overtime to balance and adapt
- that, because of pain’s origin in the brain, pain relief treatment can be accelerated when a psychological element is at play
- the few restrictions on treatment at Radiant Pain Relief Centres: expectant mothers and MS survivors
- Brendon’s take on the current US healthcare model
- that the relief of chronic pain begets patient empowerment and freedom
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