005: How being Chronically Ill Brought Her To Health Coaching with Sascha Alexander
In part 2 of Lauren’s interview with Sascha Alexander, we delve deeper into her life as an autoimmune wellness coach. What are her tips and tricks for those of us living within the invisible illness spectrum? And how has perspective shift informed her personal journey to wellness, and to coaching others?
Join us as Sascha reveals…
- The 6 root causes of chronic illness
- Why health coaching is so important for survivors of chronic illness - That everyone with an autoimmune disorder has a gut imbalance
- How her inspiration to help others kept her alive in her darkest moments
- Additional resources and advocates who have inspired Sascha and informed her work
- Her take on recent documentaries about invisible chronic illness
- Her top tips for those in the invisible chronic illness community
- Her favorite patient forum on Facebook
- Her favorite indulgences
- Everything you need to know about coffee enemas
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