001: Self-Care and Symptom Management with Mercedes Yvette
She has been a Lupus advocate for many years, and in this episode recounts her diagnosis treatment, and ongoing self-care and symptom management behaviors.
In this episode, Mercedes reveals:
-How she was diagnosed with Lupus, and how a regular yoga practice and Ayurvedic therapies have been integral to her healing journey.
-Why she stopped treating herself with Chinese herbs.
-How she became a contestant on ANTM only 3 months into her diagnosis, and how producers discovered she was sick and focused on her illness as a storyline.
-How she had to hit rock bottom to shift her perspective from negative to positivity.
-Why anyone with potential Lupus diagnosis should see a rheumatologist.
-Why remote work and self-employment are great options for people with chronic illness, and can even be creatively fulfilling while creating income
-How she had a perfectly normal pregnancy despite her Lupus.
-How community and purpose can give your life meaning.
-How she has learned to look out for herself by speaking up when she’s in need.
-Her favorite indulgence: Netflix + wine!
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