145: Jayson Lawfer on determining value in the secondary market
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have a discussion with art dealer Jayson Lawfer. Trained as a potter, Jayson brings a maker’s touch to his role as gallery director of The Nevica Project. Under his direction the Chicago-based gallery focuses on primary and secondary market sales for fine art and craft, including the work of Michael Lucero, Richard Serra, Shoji Hamada, and many more. In the interview we talk about his transition into the gallery world, how to value an object on the secondary market, and balancing a gallery portfolio that includes both fine and contemporary craft artists. For more information on Jayson please visit www.thenevicaproject.com. This episode of Tales of the Red Clay Rambler is sponsored by FLM Studio in Petaluma, CA. This multipurpose studio offers workshops for Bay Area ceramic artists while also serving as the studio for Forrest Lesch Middelton. On June 4th and 5th I will be teaching a two day hands-on workshop titled from Flat to Functional. Join me for this exciting weekend to learn more about using foam molds to create hand built tableware. To register for this event visit www.flmceramics.com.