129: Pepai and Milyika Carroll on Ernabella history and the role Tjukurpa plays in Anangu art
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Pepai and Milyika Carroll. The Carrolls are accomplished ceramic artists and painters who work at the Ernabella Arts Center. A core part of the Pukatja Community, the art center is nestled into the eastern end of the Musgrave Ranges of South Australia. Established in 1948, Ernabella Arts is Australia’s oldest continuously running Indigenous Art Center. In the interview we talk about Ernabella history and the role Tjukurpa, or story/cultural law, plays in the creation of Anangu art. For more information on Ernabella Arts please visit www.ernabellaarts.com.au. This episode of the podcast is proudly sponsored by Sabbia Gallery, Sydney’s premier commercial gallery for studio glass and ceramic artists from Australia and New Zealand. The gallery presents a diverse group of internationally renowned artists, who are creating dynamic and innovative artworks. Sabbia Gallery has held two highly successful group exhibitions from the Ernabella Ceramics Studio over the past two years, and look forward to presenting an exhibition of ceramics by Ernabella women in March 2016. Head over to the website www.sabbiagallery.com to learn more about their artists and exhibition program."