128: Kate Dunn and Fiona Fell on the changing landscape of art education in Australia
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with ceramic artists Kate Dunn and Fiona Fell. Both are educators and makers utilizing digital technologies in the creation of their artwork. In the interview we talk about ongoing changes in the Australian educational system, collaboration as a method for making ceramics, and the ontology of objects. Kate Dunn is a lecturer at UNSW Art a Design specializing in practiced-based research that investigates experimental digital fabrication. For more information on Kate please visit https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/ms-kate-dunn. Fiona Fell is the Head of Department in 3D studies, Visual Arts within the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Southern Cross University. Her recent work uses collaborative, inter-disciplinary practices to explore materiality in dialogue with media-based art forms. For more information on Fiona please visit a review on www.craftaustralia.org.au/library/review.php?id=fiona_fell_ceramics_collaboration. This episode of the podcast is sponsored by the Australian Ceramic Association, a member-driven organization, which fosters a lively community by organizing nationwide open studio events, publishing The Journal of Australian Ceramics, supporting artists in their studio practice and advocating for excellence in education and training. For more information, or to join the association, please visit www.australianceramics.com.