112: Aaron Nelson on the value of creative problem solving and embracing the cultural economy
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Aaron Nelson. Throughout a multifaceted career Aaron has mixed new digital technologies with a ceramic practice to create both sculpture and vessels. His recent interactive ceramic chandelier, Chain(ge), shifts color on command when texted from any location in the world. In addition to his studio practice Aaron is the artistic director of Medalta in Medicine Hat, Alberta. In the interview we talk about embracing the cultural economy, the value of creative problem solving, and the history of Medalta. For more information please visit www.aaronnelson.ca. For more information on Medalta and the ceramic programming they have to offer please visit www.medalta.org. Today’s episode is the final installment of Canada week, a series of five episodes featuring Canadian Clay artists from Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. For more information about Canada week please visit the episode guide at www.talesofaredclayrambler.com.