X-Aspirations Ep. 009, X-Men #9, Jan. 1965
X-Aspirations Episode 009 X-Men #9, January 1965 "Enter, The Avengers!" Written by Stan Lee, Drawn by Jack Kirby, Inked by Chic Stone, Lettered by S. Rosen. What's A Brother Got To Do For A Little Respect Around Here? In Which We Learn That James Cameron Ain't Got Nothing On Lee and Kirby, What Exactly Makes Thor's Mjolnir Quiver, And That Geography Was Probably Not Stan Lee's Strongest Subject. Mjolnir is the Name of His Hammer, Pervert. Eyes Up Here! Check us out at www.x-aspirations.com And send us comments at xteam@x-aspirations.com The closing music is "Drinkin Buddies" by Six Hung Sprung http://podsafeaudio.com/jamroom/bands/1164/