X-Aspirations Ep. 007, X-Men #7, Sep. 1964
X-Aspirations Episode 007 X-Men #7, September 1964 "The Return of the Blob!" Written by Stan Lee, Drawn by Jack Kirby, Inked by Chic Stone, Lettered by Art Simek. Attack of The Contemptible Comic Book Code! In Which We Learn Why The Brotherhood Has A Constant Cauldron Shortage, Where Beast Feet Are Beat Feet, And Why You Should Never Ice Improvise. Hey, If the Ice Slide Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It. Check us out at www.x-aspirations.com And send us comments at xteam@x-aspirations.com The closing music is "Drinkin Buddies" by Six Hung Sprung http://podsafeaudio.com/jamroom/bands/1164/