X-Aspirations Ep. 005, X-Men #5, May 1964
X-Aspirations Episode 005 X-Men #5, May 1964 "Trapped: One X-Man!" Script by Stan Lee, Drawn by Jack Kirby, Inked by Paul Reinman, Lettered by S. Rosen. Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Redux! In Which We Discover That Some Parents Could Stand To Be A Little More Overprotective, The Joys and Wonders That Were Pre-Olympic Track Meets, And Exactly Why Professor X Looks So Darn Smug. Like The Cat That Telepathically Mind-Wiped the Canary... Check us out at www.x-aspirations.com And send us comments at xteam@x-aspirations.com The closing music is Drinkin Buddies by Six Hung Sprung http://podsafeaudio.com/jamroom/bands/1164/