X-Aspirations Ep. 004, X-Men #4, Mar. 1964
X-Aspirations Episode 004 X-Men #4, March 1964 The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants! Script by Stan Lee, Drawn by Jack Kirby, Inked by Paul Reinman, Lettered by Art Simek. Special Belated Valentine's Day Edition! In Which We Discover That the Common Cake Knife Will Soon Be a Thing of the Past, Where All Those South American Nazis Went, And Why You Should Never Double Up on Explosives. Please Practice Safe Pod Listening. Check us out at www.x-aspirations.com And send us comments at xteam@x-aspirations.com The closing music is Drinkin Buddies by Six Hung Sprung http://podsafeaudio.com/jamroom/bands/1164/