Buttery Transitions - S2 EP 1 - Stadium Cast
On this episode of StadiumCast, Butters a John are back to kick off a new Season of StadiumCast. We bid farewell to AJ as he begins his professional Magikarp JUMP career. Pikachu gets A FLOWER CROWN!!! We cover the spring events coming up in Pokémon GO and discuss the different targets for the competitive battling community. An exclusive interview with the GTU 6 Winners The Grotesque Sausages. We finally get on a socially distanced ride into Speculation Station to discuss the implications of the Switch Timer in Trainer Battles being cut in half. Current Events GBL Shifts to Master League a Master League Classic....but GREAT LEAGUE New Attack Updates New GBL Cups Spring gets Sprung for XL Chansey XL CHANSEY Mega Lopunny Other XL Targets Team GO Rocket is Back with Giovanni a Special Research Silph Arena April Events Prismatic Cup has us mesmerized Silph Arena Regionals are Coming Champion Spotlight - The Grotesque Sausages Win GTU 6 Speculation Station - The Switch Timer is CUT IN HALF!!! But, for how long??? Intro/Outro Music - Orbits by Toni Leys @tonileys on Twitter || Credit: https://diversity.moe Transitions a Sound Effects by Epidemic Sound || https://www.epidemicsound.com Support the Show on Patreon || www.patreon.com/GOStadium Join our Discord || https://invite.gg/gostadium Check out our Fellow Podcasters: Pokémon Professor Network Battle Science Podcast The Battle Catz Podcast Hosts - 2OButters a JRHonda121 Audio Editing by Ken Pescatore of LuredUp Show Art by KitsuneKurisu a Rambling Rabbit