Bugging Out - Episode 10 - Stadium Cast
On this episode of Stadium Cast, AJ a John endlessly toot their own horn for a job well done in #GOTeamUP and give a brief pat on the back to the EU Emperors for tapping more skillfully than any other team. COVID perks are extended 30 days and June is now jam-packed with super exciting events like Patrat, Numel and Kricketot spotlight hours and the most epic raid hour feature yet--Pinsir! What better month now with Weedle Community Day being a thing? AJ spends an inordinate amount of time blathering on about Cresselia and Escavalier and John interrupts to read AJ's notes out loud. Matt from PvPoke and our very own HouseStark93 bring some sense to the podcast with their take on the Ultra League Meta and the episode winds down with some good ole speculation in--you guessed it--the Speculation Station. EU Emperors crowned #GOTeamUP champions! June updates! GO Fest coming to your couch this July Kakuna's CornerPvPoke's UL starter pack infographic Ultra League Approaches!Escavalier and Cresselia deep dive Coach Spotlight - HouseStark93 Speculation Station Solstice and Bug events Pinsir raid event Stunfisk is a mudboi. Galarian Stunfisk is a mudboi. #StadiumGivesBack is Supporting Campaign Zero a #8CantWait || Donate HereIntro/Outro Music - Orbits by Toni Leys @tonileys on Twitter || Credit: https://diversity.moeTransitions a Sound Effects by Epidemic Sound || https://www.epidemicsound.comSupport the Show on Patreon || www.patreon.com/GOStadiumJoin our Discord || https://invite.gg/gostadiumCheck out our Fellow Podcasters: Pokémon Professor NetworkOur PvP PodcastBattle Science PodcastThe Competitive EdgeHosts - AJPilot a JRHonda121Show Art by Rambling Rabbit