FW Presents: Siskoid's Mad Theories
All the Fire and Water Network stars are at HeroesCon this weekend, all except the Canadian contingent, so Siskoid is going to take over, if you don't mind, and steal Rob and Shagg's slot to talk about some of the more absurd (at least, when you think about it) super-powers out there. Oh fine, Rob and Shagg are also in it, just so they can keep their Sunday podcasting streak unbroken. Stand by for the first installment of... Siskoid's Mad Theories! This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK Visit our WEBSITE: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/ Follow us on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/FWPodcasts Like our FACEBOOK page - https://www.facebook.com/FWPodcastNetwork Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts Subscribe via iTunes as part of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST: http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-fire-and-water-podcast/id463855630 Credits: Theme: "Mad Science" by MK2. Bonus clips: "Science Is Real" by They Might Be Giants; Albert Einstein file footage; "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan; "Frankenstein" by James Whale, starring Colin Clive; "Talk to the Animals" by Rex Harrison (from "Doctor Doolittle"); "Aquaman" by Filmation; "Banjo Duel" from "Deliverance"; and "The Atom Song" by Mike Offutt. Peer review available through comments sections!