Paul Ninson - Documenting Untold Stories of Africa
Paul Ninson is a freelance photographer based in Ghana with passion for portraits, visual storytelling and documenting humanitarian and environmental stories. His current personal projects include the Masai tribes in Kenya, the lower Omo Valley of Ethiopia, and documenting the lives of women in Umoja for his Village with No Men project. In this episode, Paul talks about the life-changing experience of meeting Brandon Stanton in Ghana, being featured on Humans of New York and gaining 30k followers from around the world in one day. Paul attributes his photography education to CreativeLive where he spends most of his non-working hours learning from as many classes as he can. He talks about getting his first camera and how he’s been growing his business and portfolio of personal work ever since. Paul is the definition of taking risks, nonstop hard work, nurturing a supportive community and sharing knowledge and inspiration in return. This is We Are Photographers with Paul Ninson and this is his story.