Again, Mountain, Pain – How to Say 3 Difficult Words in American English Pronunciation
Have you ever wondered why English has so many terms with similar meanings. For instance, take the words “everyone” and “everybody.” They mean virtually the same thing. They make up a group of all, or many people. The good thing is that since the words mean the same thing, you can choose whichever one you want to use and everybody will know exactly what you mean.
On the other hand, if you use the word “someone”, you are speaking in general terms that someone in the group, nobody in particular, just someone that you probably don’t know, is involved. You might say, “Everybody is coming to the party tonight, but someone will be dressed as a clown.” Now, you know that by using the term “everybody”, that a lot of people are going to be there, but only one of that group will look like a clown, and you have no idea who that might be.
These are just a few of the many English tips that Gabby provides on a continuous basis to help non-native speakers learn English. As always, check out, and subscribe to Go Natural English for all your English language tips.
Episode transcript below:
Hello! Hello!
What’s up, my awesome English-learning friend?
I have a quick English tip for you about three words that are commonly mispronounced by English language learners.
Why? Because they’re confusing.
So, I want to clarify this common challenge.
So, the three words are “again”, “mountain”, and “pain.”
What do they have in common?
They all have “a-i” as vowels that are back to back.
So, you’re tempted to pronounce each vowel individually like “a – e” so what I hear a lot, which is a mistake is “a-gay-een”, “mount-ay-een”, and “pay-een”, which sounds really weird and not smooth and fluent at all.
So, to sound more fluent and more native-like, you have to mix these vowels together and just make them sound like “eh.”
It’s easy – “eh” – “eh.”
Alright so “again”, “mountain” – “mountain” sorry, I don’t want to confuse the stress there “mountain”, and “pain.”
It’s all kind of an “ay-eh-eh.”
But they’re not two separate sounds.
It’s one sound, so, this little piece of information will make a huge difference on your English.
That’s what Go Natural English is all about, is giving you these little tips that make a big difference on your fluency, and for your confidence in speaking English with other fluent and native English speakers.
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So, here on YouTube we have three free tips a week.
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So, that’s what I’m here for.
I hope that you are enjoying learning English the natural way and I can’t wait to see you again soon.
Alright, bye for now.
The post Again, Mountain, Pain – How to Say 3 Difficult Words in American English Pronunciation appeared first on Go Natural English.