Is ‘everybody’ ‘everyone’ ‘someone’ ‘anyone’ singular? Or plural?
English is a universal language that is used by so many people around the world. Sometimes it can be confusing though, as there are words that have spellings that might not be pronounced quite the way you would expect. Like anything else, it takes work and perseverance to learn to speak English like a native, but be assured, you can do it, and you will have fun in the process.
In this English tip episode, Gabby explains how to handle the “ai” sound in many English words. She uses the examples “again”, “mountain”, and “pain.” If you listen closely, and learn to pronounce the sound like Gabby says it, you will sound more fluent in English and be better understood.
Don’t forget that Go Natural English can be found on YouTube, iTunes, and Stitcher. There are numerous video tips and podcasts to help you along your English learning journey. Make sure you use all of the resources available to you so you can learn English faster and better.
Episode transcript below:
Hello! Hello!
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How are you?
Welcome to a free English tip at Go Natural English.
I have a question from Stephani.
Stephani asks, “What is the difference between “someone”, “everyone”, and “everybody”?
And are they singular or plural?
Awesome question, Stephani.
I think this will be helpful for everyone, so I’ll give the quick answer and if you want more help with questions like these, consider the Go Natural English premium course that’s available at
So, “someone”, “everyone”, “everybody.”
OK, they are different and the short quick answer is they are singular.
I know it’s crazy, right?
Because “everyone” means many people.
“Everybody” means many people.
“Someone” actually means one person out of many people.
They are all singular.
So, for example, “Someone is calling.”
I can hear my phone ringing.
“Everyone is happy today.”
“Everybody is happy today.”
OK, so “is” shows you that it’s singular, the way that I’m showing you the example.
So, always remember that they’re singular.
There are other nouns like this in English that you would think are plural but they’re not, and those are some things that I help you out with in the Go Natural English premium course.
So, if you want to learn more, come on over to
Now, what is the difference between these three?
So, as I said, “someone” is one person in a group of many people and it’s kind of anonymous.
We don’t know specifically who that person is – “someone.”
OK, “anyone.”
“Everybody” is a generalization – we’re thinking 100%.
Alright? And “everyone” is also a generalization – 100%.
“Everybody” and “everyone” are actually the same.
They have the same meaning.
However, it’s your choice which one to use.
So, the big difference is between “someone” and “everyone” or “everybody.”
Now, whichever you feel comfortable with, if you prefer to say “everyone” or you prefer to say “everybody” that is your choice.
So, English is interesting like that.
It’s good to have a big vocabulary so that you can choose.
You have the option, you have the choice to use whatever word that you want.
And, so that you can remember, you can understand when other people use these words too.
So, I hope this was helpful for you.
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