Infection Prevention and Control in the Home Care Setting
Host: Dawn Berndt, DNP, RN, CRNI® - INS Clinical Education and Publications Manager
Guest: Mary McGoldrick, MS, RN, CRNI®, Home Health Systems, Inc.
Is the approach to infection prevention and control in the home care setting different during the pandemic? Listen as Mary McGoldrick, home care and hospice consultant, discusses this important topic.
Home Health Systems, Inc. Home Care and Hospice Infection Prevention and Consulting
McGoldrick, M. (2021). Home Care Infection Prevention and Control Program, 16th ed. Naples, FL: Home Health Systems.
McGoldrick, M. (2020). Personal protective equipment removal: Preventing self-contamination. Home Healthcare Now, 38(3), 170-171.
McGoldrick, M. (2019). Electronic visit verification: Infection prevention breaches when capturing the patient’s signature. Home Healthcare Now, 37(6), 260-261.
McGoldrick, M. (2019). Personal protective equipment: Protecting the eyes. Home Healthcare Now, 37(4), 234-235.
McGoldrick, M. (2017). Best practices for home care “bag technique” and the use of surface barriers. Home Healthcare Now, 35(9), 478-484.