Bluth Pod Update (Plus a Completely Unrelated Discussion About Animal Crossing)
We might as well change the name of our podcast to The Blath, the Whole Blath, and Nothing But the Blath...ers, because this episode is probably 90% about Animal Crossing (which is in no way related to Don Bluth). Sure, we intended for it to be an update on our lives and what's in store for the podcast, but it turns out our podcast updates are short and we have no lives outside of Tom Nook's happy version of capitalism. And you probably don't either, if you've been social distancing properly. But we hope this episode satisfies your need (was there any?) for our witty banter, or at least our familiar meandering tangents, and yes we do actually bring up animation of sorts! Do we lose our minds a little bit? Who can say, because who among us has any mind left these days? Links: There is no movie to watch this time. Ummmm... play Animal Crossing, I guess? Follow Dax Follow Sara Follow the Podcast on Instagram Like the Podcast on Facebook Check out Dax’s other pod, Cineppraisal @Cineppraisal on FB/Twitter/IG Music in this episode is (mostly) from Animal Crossing: New Horizons by Nintendo. A small note that this episode was recorded July 3rd, in case some of the timing in our discussion doesn't line up with when we're releasing it over two weeks later! Animal Crossing aside, what's our podcast usually about.....? Oh yeah, Don Bluth! Do you have a Don Bluth related story or thoughts on any of his films that you would like to share with our pod? Just call (323) 380-8103 and leave a message to be included as part of our final episode down the line! Or, if you have some audio recording know-how, feel free to email us a download link for a WAV audio file recording of yourself to Or just email us and we’ll read it on the pod. Whatever is most comfortable for you!