Episode 12: Disney Days Part I (The Sword in the Stone, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, and Robin Hood)

On this episode of The Bluth, the Whole Bluth, and Nothing But the Bluth, we're going back in time to Don Bluth's Disney Days with our guests, Chris Bramante and Matt Schiavone! We discuss The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, and a little of Pooh's many adventures. Plus we might even learn the difference between an animation director and a director of animation. So oo-de-lally, hockety pockety, and other such whimsical exclamations! Links: You can seriously just, like, watch all these on Disney+https://www.disneyplus.com Chris and Matt’s shot for shot reenactment of “Oo-de-lally”http://bit.ly/2vL71ib Videos on reused animation in Disney filmshttp://bit.ly/3aq7dlwhttp://bit.ly/3cxU1Nmhttp://bit.ly/3asYgYP Fantastic Voyagehttp://bit.ly/39nNhj8 Follow Matt Schiavonehttps://www.instagram.com/mattschiavone75https://twitter.com/mattschiavone75 Follow Chrishttps://instagram.com/amontiockhttps://twitter.com/Amontiock Check Out Animfantastichttps://www.instagram.com/animfantastichttp://bit.ly/2yPQyHe Follow Daxhttps://www.instagram.com/daxschafferhttps://twitter.com/DaxSchaffer Follow Sarahttps://www.instagram.com/saraiyerhttps://twitter.com/saraanjuliiyer Follow the Podcast on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/nothingbutthebluth Like the Podcast on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/TheBluthTheWholeBluthAndNothingButTheBluth Check out Dax’s other pod, Cineppraisal @Cineppraisal on FB/Twitter/IGhttps://anchor.fm/cineppraisal Songs from The Sword in the Stone and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh by the Sherman Brothers. Songs from Robin Hood by Roger Miller, Floyd Huddleston, George Bruns, and Johnny Mercer. Score from The Sword in the Stone and Robin Hood by George Bruns. Score from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh by Buddy Baker. Audio clips are (mostly) from The Sword in the Stone, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, and Robin Hood by Walt Disney Productions

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