EP 19 - Daffodils with Adrian Scamp

The daffodils have been in full swing for a few weeks now and as today’s guest, Adrian Scamp of Scamp’s Daffodils tells us, we can expect them to carry on gracing us with their cheery blooms into May.

Each year, I’m newly amazed by the indomitable daffodil; its ability to cope in all weathers, to grow in seemingly unpromising situations and to flower successively from December to May if you choose the right varieties.

This episode, we cover every question you had about daffodils but were afraid to ask! Adrian gives his expert advice on:

- When to order and when to plant bulbs (hint: order now!)
- The conditions favoured by daffodils including soil and aspect- When to feed and with what
- How to propagate
- Troubleshooting any problems

About Adrian

Scamp’s Daffodils was started by Ron Scamp. Ron’s passion for the daffodil developed as a child in the 1940’s and 50’s whilst spending his childhood on his uncle’s daffodil farm in the Tamar Valley. In 1990 after years of growing daffodil varieties in his garden and greenhouse, Ron produced his first catalogue offering select varieties to other daffodil enthusiasts.

Over the years the collection has developed and now contains approximately 2500 varieties including modern, species and historical collected from all over the world. As a professional grower, Ron has achieved many awards including RHS gold, the E.H Trophy for best exhibit and the Lawrence Medal.

Adrian joined the company in 2007 and continues to grow and develop the collection. During the spring, they display their flowers at many shows and find this aspect of their work particularly enjoyable, as they meet other enthusiasts and customers both old and new. Each year, a list of the shows they will be attending is published in the news section of their website.

Adrian can be contacted by phone 07826 067175 or via email amscamp@qualitydaffodils.com Please leave a message on the mobile as Adrian is often on the fields with no phone signal.


Scamp’s Daffodils https://qualitydaffodils.com 
The Scamp’s Daffodil Catalogue https://qualitydaffodils.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Scamp-Booklet-2019.pdf 

A.M. Scamp
49 Mongleath Road Falmouth

07826 067175 amscamp@qualitydaffodils.com 

Scamp’s on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/QualityDaffodils/  Scamp’s on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/scampsbulbs/  The Daffodil Society https://thedaffodilsociety.com/wordpress/ 

Daffodil: the Remarkable Story of the World’s Most Popular Spring Flower by Noel Kingsbury https://www.amazon.co.uk/Daffodil-Remarkable-Worlds-Popular-Spring/dp/1604693185 


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