EP 18 - Foraging with Michael Wachter
In this episode, I’m talking foraging with expert forager Michael Wachter. Michael has masses of experience when it comes to living outdoors sustainably and being self-sufficient, having lived on a remote island off the North Coast of Germany. He also regularly treks across the landscape both in the UK and abroad, with nothing but a sleeping bag and his survival kit, foraging for food along the way.
Michael currently lives and works in East Sussex, where he indulges his passion for plants at every opportunity. We only scratched the surface of his experiences and if you ever have the opportunity to hear him speak, I urge you to do so, you will be spellbound as he recounts his adventures!
We cover:
- The best places to find wild food
- How to forage in your own garden, however limited you are on space
- Michael’s trek along the South Coast of England
- The philosophy of foraging
About Michael Wachter
Born in the rolling hills of North Bavaria along a river in Bamberg, Michael studied landscape architecture near Frankfurt. After a short stint working in an office, he went to work for the protection of mainly seabirds on the North Coast of Germany, before coming to England in 2014.
He currently works as a gardener in East Sussex and indulges his passion for wild plants on a daily basis.
Michael Wachter on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/michael_wachter/?hl=en
Robin Harford’s site provides great information, plus he produces a podcast on the topic: https://www.eatweeds.co.uk
The Woodland Trust’s guide to foraging sustainably: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/visiting-woods/things-to-do/foraging/
Wild Food & Foraging UK Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/WildFoodUK/
The website of Samuel Thayer, a foraging resource for listeners in the US: https://www.foragersharvest.com
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