EP 13 - Ivy with Angela Tandy of Fibrex Nurseries

Fibrex is a family run nursery, started by Hazel & Dick Key over half a century ago. The business is still run by family members; Angela works alongside her sister, brother and sister-in-law, as well as other family members, to make the nursery the success it is today. 

In addition to being respected horticultural experts, they hold two National Collections and continually attain top accolades at flower shows such as RHS Chelsea, Hampton Court, Malvern and Gardeners World Live. 

The nursery is open to visit, but they also offer an excellent mail order service and you can order plants through their website. 


Key talking points with Angela were:

  • Growing ivy as a houseplant
  • Ideal growing conditions for ivy indoors
  • Ideal growing conditions for ivy outdoors
  • Different growth habits and the suitability of certain species for certain garden situations
  • Fast and slow growing varieties
  • Pruning
  • Benefits to wildlife
  • Unsuitable situations for ivy
  • Growing ivy in containers


If you’d like to view and shop the full range of Ivy that Fibrex Nurseries has to offer, you can visit their website:


Nursery Contact Information:

Fibrex Nursery LTD
Honeybourne Road
CV37 8XP 

Telephone: 01789 720788

Email: sales@fibrex.co.uk

Opening Hours
1 Mar - 31 Aug: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
1 Sept - 28 Feb: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
1 Apr - 25 Jun: Sat-Sun 10.30am-4pm

Twitter @FibrexNurseries

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Fibrex-Nurseries-Ltd-217275455080317/ 

Instagram fibrex_nurseries


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