EP 09 - Terry Woods - Fox-A-Gon

Do you welcome foxes into your garden or are they the bane of your life when it comes to growing plants and keeping a clean and tidy plot? Foxes can be a joy to watch but a pain when they’re digging up your plants! In this episode, I speak to animal behaviour expert and fox aficionado Terry Woods. Terry is co-founder of Fox-A-Gon, a company which offers organic and ethical solutions in situations where foxes may be unwelcome visitors. 

We discuss common problems that can occur when sharing our gardens with foxes and Terry dispels some of the myths and misunderstandings surrounding these occasionally maligned animals. Terry offers a refreshing and common-sense perspective to living alongside wildlife based on his decades of experience and observation. 

The Fox-a-Gon website is a fantastic resource if you’d like to find out more about co-existing with foxes. It also provides solutions to dissuade them from visiting your plot, should you need them. Their FAQ page is comprehensive and no-nonsense; I highly recommend it as your first port of call if you need even general advice about foxes, it really does provide some brilliant information.


Points of interest;

The Law as it relates to fox control/removal in the UK

Feeding foxes

Why foxes dig up plants

Foxes and cats

Foxes and humans

Urban foxes

Injured foxes


Guest follow up;

Terry Woods founded Fox-A-Gon alongside Graham Le Blond. The company is based in the South East, however they work all over the UK.


Telephone: 0208 925 9639

Mobile: 07768 903 043 / 07973 414 935


Further useful resources;

The Fox Project – www.foxproject.org.uk


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