EP 07 - Trees
Selecting and planting trees can be a minefield. Never fear though, help is on hand as ‘legend in the world of trees’, Kew-trained, Peter Thurman is here to provide straight-forward advice about what to do and what not to do when buying a tree and planting it out.
Peter’s CV is suitably impressive. He is a landscape designer and plantsman and holds chartered status in arboriculture, horticulture, forestry and the environment. He is a fellow of both the Arboricultural Association and the Chartered Institute of Horticulture and it doesn’t end there. Find out more about Peter and his passion for all things tree related in this episode.
Discover how to select the right tree for your garden’s soil type and which species of tree will help you create the effect you are targeting. Learn how pleached trees can become an attractive alternative to fencing, just beware of the High Hedges Act! Does it pay to have patience when growing your tree, or is it easier to have instant impact?
Pick up some valuable tips and tricks on the planting process. From deciding which food you should feed your prized specimen with, to mulching and watering, your questions are sure to be addressed in this informative episode.
Points of interest;
Soil conditions when planting a tree
Choosing the right trees for your garden
The process of planting a tree
Round vs square hole
Tree food
How to deal with planting a tree in clay soil
Watering your tree
Staking your tree
The importance of mulching
Ideal trees for small or large gardens
Trees for; privacy/scent/flowers/autumn colours/the ultimate seaside garden
FAQs answered;
When is the best time of year to plant a tree?
Should I take the hessian off a field grown tree before planting?
When shopping for my tree, should I buy the biggest one possible?
Are soil Testing kits a good idea?
What do I need to put at the base of my newly planted tree?
How do I deal with leaders?
Which type of stake should I use?
Guest follow up;
Peter Thurman
Email: ThurmanConsultancy@btinternet.com
www.thurmanconsultancy.co.uk - Peter Thurman Consultancy, Landscape
www.lcgd.org.co.uk - London College of Garden Design
Further useful research;
www.kew.org - Visit The Royal Botanical Grades at Kew
www.reading.ac.uk - Dr Glynn Percival
www.biochar.co.uk - Tree food
Rigel-G - Tree food product
Trees in order of mention, Botanical name followed by UK common name;
Kolreuteria paniculata fastigiata – Pride of India
Quercos phellos – Willow Oak
Lime trees AKA Tilia species:
Tilia tomentosa – Silver Lime
Tilia T. henryana – Henry’s Lime
Taxus baccata – Yew
Ginkgo biloba – Maidenhair Tree
Cordyline australis – Cabbage Palm
Pterostyrax hispida – Epaulette Tree
Liriodendron tulipifera – Tulip Tree
Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum
Parrotia persica – Persian Ironwood
Tamarix species - Tamarisk
Quercus ilex - Holm Oak
Acer pseudoplatanus – Sycamore
Cedrus libani – Cedar of Lebanon
Get in touch;
Email: podcast@rootsandall.co.uk
Website: www.rootsandall.co.uk
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