Episode 32 - Is the Permian land race over? Also, Howard Energy plans cross-border pipeline.

In Port Arthur, Hurricane Harvey's fury is still lingering - Houston Chronicle - http://bit.ly/2yISlyP

Encana Sees Permian Land Race Coming to an End - Bloomberg - https://bloom.bg/2gDgjoU

ExxonMobil acquires crude oil terminal to serve growing Permian production - http://bit.ly/2xhMayu

Pruitt's EPA Directive Sends The 'Sue And Settle' Racket Into Its Death Rattle - http://bit.ly/2z2mJFE

Drilling Permit Roundup: Valley Crossing Pipeline takes another step forward - San Antonio Business Journal - http://bit.ly/2iugvHI

$100 million frac sand mine being developed near San Antonio as demand soars - San Antonio Business Journal - http://bit.ly/2xit5wg

Andeavor makes first fuel shipment to Mexico - San Antonio Business Journal - http://bit.ly/2i0ffrF

Draft environmental assessment gives Howard Energy Partners green light for cross-border pipeline - San Antonio Business Journal - http://bit.ly/2gDxPJI

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