Episode 20 - David Blackmon and Sergio Chapa are back!
Permian drillers have hedged nearly two-thirds of oil output - Houston Chronicle - http://bit.ly/2uRCVEY
QEP Pays Cox Family Pretty Penny For Permian Oil & Gas Properties - http://bit.ly/2tY4a3q
The Eagle Ford Rebound Needs $48 Oil | OilPrice.com - http://bit.ly/2f308QB
Oil Rises To 8-Week High Following Unexpected U.S. Inventory Draw | OilPrice.com - http://bit.ly/2uP2KqK
The Great Leveling-off Has Begun For U.S. Shale - http://bit.ly/2tS9FfL
South Texas Drilling Permit Roundup: Lewis Energy ramps up while others ratchet down activity - San Antonio Business Journal - http://bit.ly/2vcld1r
Raven Petroleum provides first peek of engineering plans for Hebbronville refinery - San Antonio Business Journal - http://bit.ly/2uP1QdM
Karnes County dethroned as top crude oil producer in Texas - San Antonio Business Journal - http://bit.ly/2wf4xDm
Three Texas energy companies benefitting from President Donald Trump's first six months in office - San Antonio Business Journal - http://bit.ly/2uOiOsC