Episode 2 - OPEC Surge Impacts Storage, Price Still Fluctuating, and EPCO Purchases Assets

Today’s episode covers the drop in oil prices last week, followed by the drop in U.S. Oil

Supply this week which caused prices to destabilize. Also noted were key mergers,

acquisitions, sells, and other oil and gas activity in the Great State of Texas.

http://www.marketwatch.com/story/oil-prices- rally-boosted- by-weaker- dollar-and- drop-in- us-

supply-2017- 03-16

https://www.forbes.com/sites/clairepoole/2017/03/13/deal-making- frenzy-in- the-permian- basin-

expected-to- spread/#2dec00d35c54

http://www.ogfj.com/articles/2017/03/texas-oil- and-gas- activity-rally- continues-into-


http://www.naturalgasintel.com/articles/109774-enterprise- buying-

bankrupt-azure- midstreams-east- texas-north- louisiana-assets


financial-steps- toward-new- refinery.html

Rig Counts from Baker Hughes: U.S. is up 12, for a total of 768.   392 of those are in

Texas. Permian, 268. Eagleford, 68. Total of 332 of the 392 are in Permian and Eagleford.

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