Our Stacks Explained ????️ ????
Scott and Wes detail their current stacks that run their training platforms. From front end code linting to the server side and databases. Sponsor Intro to The Serverless Framework by Loren Stewart. The first 20 people to use the code SYNTAX_FREE will get the course for free! After that make sure to use the code SYNTAX for an extra $10 off. Show Notes Wes' Stack Youtube Video Meteor Node.js Level Up Tutorials is fast! Express Learn Node Passport JS MongoDB Mongoose mLab Hosting Mongohub MongoDB Compass Studio 3T MiniMongo React Styled Components Stylus Lang Metor Sessions Prerender.io React Apollo Cross Storage Victory Charts Cloudinary Tim Thumb Amazon S3 Amazon Cloudfront Backblaze Vimeo Pro Jest Mocha Fixer.io Curreny Conversion API Brain Tree Stripe Mandrill Drip Amazon SES PostMark App (THE BEST) Zurb Inky Juice CSS Inliner Meteor Hosting Meteor Hosting Digital Ocean Zeit Now Heroku Bluehost Sucks Let's Encrypt Cloudflare OOPS I SAID CLOUDFRONT Sick Picks Scott: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Wes: Better Bidding Tweet us your tips! Wes Bos Scott Tolinski Make sure to include @SyntaxFM Shameless Plugs Level Up Tuts - check out scott's new shopping cart! Wes just updated his ES6 course!