2+2=Cheese Sandwich
Rene and Lory have an in-depth conversation about Apple, the FBI, and maintaining the security of their devices for users. They also discuss the notion of Apple users as 'cult' members and the tribalism of brands. The chat turns to SpO2 monitors and other health monitoring technologies as Fitbit trades blows with Apple Watch. Finally, they check out the Unofficial Apple Archive — an amazing repository of Apple marketing videos and presentations! Show Notes and Links: Apple vs. the FBI The FBI reportedly extracted data from a locked iPhone 11 Pro last year | iMore The FBI doesn't need Apple to unlock Pensacola gunman's phones | iMore President Donald Trump says that Apple should 'step up to the plate' and unlock criminal's phones | iMore Apple users are a cult SpO2 monitors and why Apple doesn't have one yet Apple Archive VypDrive Ep 54: Mr. Mobile (Michael Fisher) On Deck - YouTube Sponsors: Future: The most personal training experience, ever. Get your first month half off at tryfutue.com/imore. Hosts: Lory Gil Rene Ritchie Georgia Dow