Bob Barker's Cheese
CES is coming up this week in Las Vegas! Although Apple won't be an exhibitor, they are participating in a panel about privacy and security in tech. The crew make some predictions for 2020 along with their wish lists for new hardware and software features. There's also some chat about Pokémon Shuffle, and Lory shows off the Bridge Pro+ Keyboard with Trackpad for iPad Pro. Show Notes and Links: This incredible Pokémon Pokédex! OMG! Georgia's Pokémon Shuffle friend code: H6P7CZLL Apple predictions for 2020 More iPhone 2020 rumors The next 10 years of Apple Brydge Pro+ Keyboard with Trackpad Sponsors: All the best deals from Amazon, Best Buy, and more, fussily curated and constantly updated. Hosts: Lory Gil Rene Ritchie Georgia Dow