The Enlightened Jesus | Dr. Kenneth Chandler #012

Uplifting Christianity to the high dignity and essence of Jesus’ own and true teachings.
See and experience the deeper and true meaning of these scriptures and teachings which are based on pure consciousness, enlightenment and transcendence.

Through careful scholarly detective work, Kenneth has showed the essence of Jesus’ teachings.

Dr. Kenneth Chandler received a Ph.D. from the University of Texas where he specialised in philosophy of science and theory of knowledge.

He has lectured at leading universities all over the globe on awakening the full potential of human consciousness.

Dr. Chandler was raised in a strong Christian family. He did deny his Christian upbringing but instead discovered the deeper meaning of Jesus’ own teaching.

Dr. Chandler’s discerning scholarly detective work brings to light an aspect of Jesus’ teaching that has been hidden for nearly two thousand years.

He found that the true ground of validity of Jesus’ teaching is the universal experience of eternal pure consciousness Jesus gave his disciples.

Paul helped bring faith to millions of people by focusing on the “sign and miracle” of the risen Christ: but the true meaning and power of Jesus’ teaching is that we too can experience the eternal consciousness that ever knows itself and the Kingdom of Heaven within.

  • Kens Project: The Experience of Pure Consciousness - Collecting exact expressions of pure consciousness from the greatest thinkers of the main steam from the east and west.
  • The Sources of Jesus’ Teaching of Enlightenment
  • Transcending and Experiencing Pure Consciousness
  • What is Enlightenment?
  • An Experience Based Approach vs Faith
  • A major difference between the teaching of Jesus and the teaching of Paul (todays Christianity).
  • Heaven is On Earth. It is not something one acquires after dropping their body and leaving this earth.
  • Jesus’ teaching of Yoga.
  • Jesus mentioning “AUM”
  • The (Secret) Gospel of Mark
  • The reoccurring theme of the Church denying and hiding true principles and teachings in order to protect the Church movement from change.
  • The Essene Gospel Of Peace - as sublime text conveying enlightenment.
  • Jesus’ Teaching of Transcending - The Greater Mystery
  • Jesus Initiating Disciples into this Transcendental Technique
  • Primordial Sounds mentioned in the Pistis Sophia
  • Who was Jesus - A more deep and subtle investigation
  • Jesus’ “Lost Years” - Where was Jesus between the age of 12 and 30? The Bible says nothing about his life during these 18 years.
  • Evidence of Jesus in India.
  • The Secret Basement Library of the Vatican
  • Siddhis - Dormant non-local potentials that exist in every Consciousness.
  • Where Jesus learnt to walk on water, rise into the air and foreknow future events.
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