Dr. Andy Galpin | MMA training, hydration, and taking ownership over your health
Dr. Andy Galpin is a professor with a PhD in Human Bioenergectics, a researcher and scientist who studies and works to enhance sports performance, including working directly with MMA athletes prepping for competition. His work on topics like hydration, eating and training for hypertrophy and performance, and understanding hypertrophy is helping professional and recreational athletes alike, and his wealth of free information via his YouTube account is an excellent starting point for folks looking to learn more.
In this episode Ashleigh and Andy talk about training MMA athletes - including optimal hydration for high performance and how to minimize the detrimental effects of those crazy “weight cuts”; we talk about his experience working with specific UFC fighters; we talk nutrition and exercise for optimal muscle growth and performance, and perhaps most importantly, how to take ownership over your own health and fitness journey so you feel empowered and in control of your decisions and your results.
My nose-to-tail cookbook, It Takes Guts, is available now in-stores and online on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Chapters!
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Level up your gut health game with BiOptimizers, makers of my favorite probiotic, digestive enzymes, and other gut health promoting products. I’ve been using their P30M and MassZymes product for the past year and have noticed a significant improvement in my digestion especially during times of stress. Even those of us with optimal diets can use some help now and then - check out their products here and use the code MUSCLEMAVEN for a discount.