Ep.20 | Want to compete in bodybuilding? Listen to this first!
In this solo episode, Ashleigh talks about her experience with bodybuilding: how she got into the sport and what she learned; common mistakes and her recommendations; competition day drama and unexpected challenges; and she answers listener questions about what competing is really like, including sharing how she eats when prepping; whether or not you can be a competitive bodybuilder and eat keto or paleo; if there are special concerns for women; ways to put on muscle while losing fat, and much more.
Man or woman, if you’ve ever thought about prepping and competing in an amateur bodybuilding competition but aren’t sure if you’re ready or if it’s right for you: listen to this episode first, as Ashleigh shares behind the scenes insider knowledge with some humor, transparency, and helpful tips thrown in.
My nose-to-tail cookbook, It Takes Guts, is available now for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Chapters!
Thanks to our show sponsor BUBS Naturals - stock up on the best quality grassfed collagen and MCT powder at bubsnaturals.com and use the code MM20 for a discount!
Primally Pure is my favorite skincare company - they use a few natural ingredients like beef tallow, shea butter, and essential oils, and their products are beautiful and luxurious like high-end skincare without the pricetag or the sketchy ingredients. The natural deodorant and body butter are lifechanging! Head to primallypure.com and use the code MUSCLEMAVEN for a discount.
Want to connect, ask questions for the podcast, or offer feedback? Drop me a note on Instagram @themusclemaven, send me an email at ashleighvanhouten@gmail.com, and sign up for my weekly newsletter at ashleighvanhouten.com