Dr. Gabrielle Lyon | Optimizing muscle for health and longevity
Ashleigh sits down with her doctor, and one of the world leaders in functional medicine, the creator of the Muscle-Centric-Medicine approach to health and longevity, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. In this episode, they take listener questions about the efficacy of a ketogenic diet for women; optimal protein intake; optimal carb intake and what a “carb threshold” is; understanding and managing “hedonic” eating, even during times of extreme stress; and much more.
If you’d like to learn more about muscle-centric medicine and how to optimize your protein and muscle for health and longevity, you can download the full course materials from Dr. Lyon and Ashleigh’s muscle-centric-medicine course that took place in Summer 2020. Learn on your own time by accessing more than 8 hours of video lectures with the two and other fitness and nutrition experts, as well as more than 50 pages of course material and a Gabrielle-and-Ashleigh-approved high protein recipe e-book! The material is only available for a short time, but you can access it here
My nose-to-tail cookbook, It Takes Guts, is available now for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Chapters!
Thanks to our show sponsor BUBS Naturals - stock up on the best quality grassfed collagen and MCT powder at bubsnaturals.com and use the code MM20 for a discount!
Want to connect, ask questions for the podcast, or offer feedback? Drop me a note on Instagram @themusclemaven, send me an email at ashleighvanhouten@gmail.com, and sign up for my weekly newsletter at ashleighvanhouten.com