The Hammer of Greyscale

Greetings, Mortals!

Our heroes Adramire Molock and Ælar Drakal continue their dangerous trek through the dark side of the moon on a mission to find some magical cheese. Instead, they find the godlike GlimpTimp and their mysterious portal to the moon's mind. What lies within the mind of the moon? Ælar decides to find out...and possibly seal his - and  Shatterpoint's - fate in the process.

Break the Dice is an improvised podcast in the style of a classic D&D adventure.

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Enter our Giveaway courtesy of Mox Boarding House

Our performers:

Game Master / Allen Voigt: Instagram: @prettgoodstories

Ælar Drakal / Tyler Michaels King: Website:, Insta: @tylermichaelsking, Twitter: @tylermichaels

Adramire Molock / Joe Rapp:  Twitter and Instagram: @fakejoerapp

NPC / Maria Bartholdi: Twitter and Instagram: @MissMariapants

NPC / MJ Marsh: Instagram: @mj_marsh_

NPC / Tyler Mills: Twitter: @tydmills

Accompanist / Jack Barrett: Website:, Instagram: @jackbarrettmusic

Some background ambiance courtesy of: Tabletop Audio // Support them on Patreon

Enter our November Giveaway Courtesy of our Sponsor Mox Boarding House

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