The Future of Agriculture with Jason Tatge - Making Data Simple [Season 2 - Episode 42]
Jason Tatge, CEO, president and cofounder of Farmobile, joins the show to discuss data in the agriculture industry. The conversation touches on Jason's experience launching a startup, tips for finding success, and the value of big data from a farmer's perspective. This episode gives insight to data science for one of the oldest and most important sectors in our society.
Show Notes
00:00 - Check us out on YouTube and SoundCloud.
00:10 - Connect with producer Liam Seston on LinkedIn and Twitter.
00:15 - Connect with producer Steve Moore on LinkedIn and Twitter.
00:24 - Connect with host Al Martin on LinkedIn and Twitter.
01:20 - Connect with guest Jason Tatge on LinkedIn and Twitter.
04:24 - Get some insights to commodity trading.
10:09 - Check out
14:21 - Here are some more reasons why data collection in farming is so important.
22:21 - How data collection in farming is driving greater efficiency.
27:33 - Learn about pipeline entrepreneurs here.