Living and Moving Mindfully, Breathing Deep and Beating Binge Eating with Janelle Laurito of Live Well with Janelle
I don't believe in coincidences, so I firmly believe running into Janelle was divinely orchestrated-- we have a super fun history (you'll have to listen in to find out where we know each other from) and what an incredible interaction it has been!
I am so thrilled to share the wisdom and experience of yoga teacher and holistic health coach Janelle Laurito, her journey to finding balance, freedom from anxiety and binge eating and making peace with all food, and the power of breath and movement.
We talk about:
- Her journey from the corporate world to health coaching
- How she overcame binge eating
- Tools for managing anxiety and stress
- The power of breath and mindful movement
Guest Bio:
Janelle Laurito is a Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Teacher specializing in holistic nutrition and health, stress management, and mindfulness.
She helps women better manage their stress, switch up the story in their minds, and take control of their lives by empowering them to adopt simple daily self-care practices through through her three pillars of wellness: mindfulness, movement, and nourishment.
A corporate career drop out, she is now devoted to a life of service and teaching.
She is a certified 200-hour yoga teacher through the Yoga Alliance and a certified Integrated Nutrition Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Born and raised in Rhode Island she is in love with the beach and the small town vibes throughout the state. She is married to Kyle and look forward to having children in the near future.
Find her:
Instagram @livewellwithjanelle
Facebook: Live Well with Janelle
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Instagram: @healthymamakris
Facebook: Healthy Mama Kris
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