Expanded Orgasm A Bliss Path to Orgasm, Intimacy, and Awakening with Dr. Patricia Taylor
In this episode, Patti shines as a true genius, sharing her vast knowledge on refining and enhancing the orgasmic experience beyond the normal, even sometimes brief, experience we call regular orgasm. She compellingly integrates consciousness and pleasure into a practice that has its roots in ancient religious practices, and is also a state-of-the-art, and evolving dynamic practice. Hear Patti define Expanded Orgasm and take us on a juicy ride as she does! Learn the two essential ingredients required to give your partner genuine, over-the-edge, Expanded Orgasms! She reveals a priceless secret: how to find the orgasmic current, a seemingly infinite state where intimacy, pleasure, and consciousness become one! Patti shares from her rare and amazing body of research about those who engage in Expanded Orgasmic practices. Learn what astonishing benefits accrue to their bodies, minds, hearts and spirits. Learn how long it takes to begin reaping the rewards, and how likely practitioners are to continue on a genuine practice path, once they begin learning Expanded Orgasm. She also shares heartfelt real life stories of how her work has impacted couples, women seeking to reclaim their turn-on, and even singles seeking re-enter dating again. And, share a moment of rapturous touch with Patti, which she invites all of us to try!