How Men can become Great Orgasmic Providers through Taontric Massage with Richard Anton Diaz
In this episode, Patti learns juicy secrets from Anton who's famous for being a master toucher and pleaser of women! In this episode, Anton shares some red-hot information about what he does to generate both intimacy and juicy turn-on with the ladies, and what he teaches men everywhere to truly, deeply win with women. Anton defines "Taontric" massage for us. He emphasizes the emotional maturity that maximizes this practice, and the values of intention and technique. Find out why learning how to touch a woman can teach you, in short order, all about love, connection, relationship, sex, presence and more all this, in addition to the energetic rapture you'll experience in giving and receiving pure touch! Explore men's sexual energy practices, and the many benefits, such as enhanced virility, that come to the men who cultivate them.