Tantra’s Path to Embodied Bliss with Daniel Odier, PhD., A Renowned Tantric Master in the Kashmiri Shaivist Tantric Tradition
Have you ever wanted to travel to faraway lands to meet a real Tantric master? We hear so much about Tantra as a set of practices that supercharge our love life, but, what are they, really? Rarely can we go to the source of this profound knowing. Now you can find out what the ancient authentic Tantric masters taught to infuse our bodies "and our lives" with, bliss, awareness, and pure expansion. Daniel Odier, Ph.D., is a renowned Tantric master in the Kashmiri Shaivist Tantric tradition. Its all-encompassing practices include the body, and even sex. You'll discover the beauty, simplicity and accessibility of the basic Kashmiri Shaivist teachings. You'll learn why integrating your whole being - (body, mind, heart, and spirit) - and ending all sense of separation, set you free. Find out why honoring the feminine is so important in today's world, and why integrating the two poles of Shiva and Shakti, male and female, within each of us, is so valuable. Daniel describes the elegant tandava, or ancient tantric dance, and special attributes of Kashmiri Shaivist massage. Learn what desire is, and why we want to celebrate it. Daniel also shares deeply about passion, and why truly passionate people are so turned on, artistic, and romantic. Hear how Tantric lovemaking starts out -- and ends - differently from regular lovemaking - consistent with a path of flowing in truly embodied bliss! Listen as we end with an inspired, shared micropractice!