Ep. 033 - Rene Ritchie

This week Drew has a very special guest, Rene Richie! Enjoy his much anticipated collaboration!-Please leave us a voicemail with comments or questions to be featured in next week’s show at: (855) 841-1277-Rate us in iTunes if you liked the show, or follow us on Twitter and Instagram to provide us with recommendations and feedback: twitter.com/TailosiveCast www.instagram.com/tailosivecast/?hl=enSiri Shortcut: ⁠TailosiveTech⁠⁦‪icloud.com‬⁩Drew: twitter.com/tailosivetechRene: twitter.com/reneritchieNic (Editor): twitter.com/NicAnsuiniRandy (Editor): twitter.com/RandyVazquezPublished: 1–28-2019, Recorded: 1-25-2019All Rights Reserved

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