6. Introduction to the Back-End
http://advancedbeginnerchallenge.com – I built a course to get your first job in web development, or upgrade from Junior to mid-level! Connect with me on instagram or twitter @dainmiller Programming can seem magical and confusing. Listen to Keith and Dain provide an overview about the web development back-end. Learn how everything fits together and when you’re done, choose a programming language that you’re comfortable with. Building Blocks (the Stack) Operating System (OS) Server Database Language Framework Application Interface (front-end) Roadmap Categories Please be patient as we make this awesome! Front-End Back-End Admin Career Lifestyle Project Workflow Community a Networking Resources PHP (Codecademy tutorial) Ruby: Learn The Hard Way Ruby: Learn with Video Ruby: Learn the Canonical Way Python --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/startherewebdev/message